Friday, May 02, 2008

Birds (but no Bees)

These birds have built a nest in a pot we have on our side door for the past several years. Actually, they may have been absent last year, but they're back this year. If you can tell me what kind they are, please do. Oh, and I say "birds", but you only see one in the video (shot with my phone). They take turns--the other one hangs out by the deck railing. I guess he (or she) is the lookout. Anyway, here goes:

This was the third video I shot in a span of about 5 minutes. I stood very still on the inside of the door. In the other two videos you see mostly pot but no bird. As they say, third time's a charm. I guess the bird got a little used to me by this time.


Angry Asian said...

hi Steve --
i'm glad you liked the stuffed animals, i hope the kids like them too!

i watched your video. did you worry that the bird would fly into your house??? that kind of stuff worries me.

Cat Pippitt said...

Can't be sure what kind of bird it is, but I had fun researching on this?

Play on, see if you can find a better match. Your house is just full of babies! :)

Steve said...

No, the bird wouldn't fly into the house--the glass on the door would have stopped it! :-)

Hey Cat--yes, the bird looks very similar to the Carolina Wren that you found.

Steve said...

Oh, and as an update...the pot fell off the door (damn suction cup!) and all the eggs broke. Didn't see the mommy or daddy bird after that. So sad, but really the parents were bird brains! That was a horrible place to build a nest in the first place!