Friday, August 19, 2005

My Company

I've often thought how it would be cool that my answer, when someone asked me where I worked, would be recognizable. People recognize companies such as HP, Sun, Microsoft. The list goes on. Some people might even attach some sort of rank--"Oooh. He works for Cisco--he must be smart!" The company that I work for is not large, but we're very good at what we do. I much prefer to work with a great group of not only competent but exceptional people than to work for a large, globally-recognized company. The company that I work for is called RDA, and here is an example of the exceptional work that some of my colleagues have done: mms:// [If that link doesn't work, then click here and then play the video for Independence Air. You'll need Windows Media Player for it to work, I think, but of course this is Microsoft's site so what do you expect?] This short video demonstrates how Independence Air moved from a Java-based architecture to a Microsoft Windows-based architecture. Our CEO is prominently featured, too. Anyway, this is just one way for me to be able to tell my friends and family about my company, even if they still have no idea what I really do for a living! :-)

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