Melissa and I and our daughters have a new addition to our family: Zackary Clayton was born last Tuesday, June 12th, at 6:07 PM. He weighed in at 7 pounds, 8.9 ounces, and was 19 inches long.
The delivery was relatively easy according to Melissa, who was able to pose for a picture shortly afterward:
Unlike the previous two deliveries, the epidural actually worked, much to Melissa's delight.
The girls are, so far, happy to have a baby brother. Especially Ella, our youngest daughter. She is becoming the little mommy. Several times we have heard, "Give him to me." She loves holding him in her lap, and helping to give him a bottle.
Emmie, our middle daughter, loved rubbing her face next to his and giving him kisses.
Madeline loved holding him, too, at least until her arms get tired.
Here is a picture of all of my childred shortly after Zack was born.
It is also a rare occasion that got caught on digital film: all my daughters are quiet and getting along with each other!
[In honor of Zack's birth, the site has gone blue!]