Monday, January 24, 2005


Ok, so I mentioned that I wanted to see how Picasa and Hello would work to send pictures to this, my blog...I've tried a couple of times to download and install Hello, but it's not working. I used the same username as I do for logging on to this blog, but it keeps going back to the "choose a user name" screen without any error messages. I should probably try a different user name, but then I run the risk of forgetting what it is! As an aside, one day I'll take a closer look at the settings for this blog and embellish it a bit. The right- and left-columns are a bit bare at the moment!

Headed Back to Houston

I'm heading back to Houston, TX, tonight. This project should be over soon, and then perhaps I'll get a project near home so I can be with my family. I never wanted to be a traveling spouse, but that is what my work has handed me for the moment... The project is a BizTalk implementation, and it's nearly complete. It'll be a joyous day when it's done!

Friday, January 21, 2005

New Blog

I suppose all blogs start out this way..."I don't know what to write", "I never thought I would have a blog", etc. Same here. I'll probably forget all about it